Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Opportunity Costs

"Opportunity cost: the value of what is given up or sacrificed represents the cost of an alternative. ...By using resources in one way, we are giving up the ability to use them in another way, so a cost has been incurred... In some cases we may even find that the pursuit of an activity 'cost us a friendship'. "

from: Levin & McEwan, Cost Effective Analysis, 2nd Edition

NOT PICTURED: the stack of resumes, mission statement copies and other materials that I have collected in pursuit of a Real Job in this Real World


Kathryn Carey Spence said...

awe boo. congratulations on making a decision. and for having the conversation. and for documenting the moment!! :) I look forward to the next installment!

Anonymous said...

as levin also says: "Emily you were by far the most amazing student I have ever had..." oh wait, he told me not to tell the rest of the levin lovin group that.