Tasti-D-Lite is the ice-cream equivalent to Starbucks. You see them everywhere unless you really want one. Buying one helps pass the time when you're wandering around the city.
NOT PICTURED: all those take-out menus I seem to have collected over the past few weeks.
It's one of my favorites because: 1) The variety 2) The shopping 3) The centrality to other cool, nyc things 4) It's not Midtown 5) see #4 for added emphasis
NOT PICTURED: the walking around, the bar, and the antics that happens when you meet up at Union Square...
Do not go to the Financial District alone, at night, to meet a stranger. Even if you're planning on potentially living with that stranger. Still. Don't go alone. Not the first time.
Take someone smaller than you. She'll protect you?
NOT PICTURED: the solarium, gym, and laundry room that made it one sweet deal.
This is just one of many hallways you think could lead to Narnia... or, you know, your next class.
NOT PICTURED: the winding staircases, the surprising official offices and research centers, and also all the learning and changing the world going on...
Because sometimes you want to: a) order by picture (it's like color by number, only tasty.) b) eat something fried, buttered and/or salted c) get some damn good cheese buscuits.
She sent us our class pictures. I wonder if she knew that we went to class in order to get to the Thursday Happy Hour where a real discussion could be fostered....
But I am sure that to pick the right earrings, the right bracelets, the right scarf makes a difference.
And that difference might make you brave.
NOT PICTURED: standing in line on 57th and 6th for 'the city's best chicken and rice' and then eating said chicken and rice with Rosalyne and Min, wondering about gender differences. Also, Columbus Circle.
I am only one person in a city of 8 million (1.1 of which are school-aged children under the mayoral controlled NYC DOE).
My experience can only encompass so much.
I strive to choose my pictures and words rightly.
The best parts are NOT PICTURED.